Monday, February 21, 2011

Lazy... Yep. Me.

It's 7pm or 1900 for you military types on Monday evening.  It was like for many a 3 day weekend full of snow... 18 inches last I checked and still snowing.  By all counts it would have been a great time to be produtive around the house, cleaning organizing, purging etc...

But I have one deep dark secret I doubt many realize since I am always running here or there.  I am lazy. There I said it well wrote it for anyone who chooses to read.  It is not something that is easy to admit but I am hoping by admiting it here will help me hold myself accountable to my new found goal.  Too be less lazy, more organized and everything inbetween.  If not for myself for my children. 

I am not lazy in everything I do.  At work in both careers I am anything but lazy and my desk is very organized and almost empty.  I am lazy at home, not the domestic godess I'd like to be.  I don't cook, I hate cleaning (and I realize no one enjoys it but I lack the drive to do it at all). My laundry room looks like a bomb blew up in it.  I would love to be more like June Cleaver or anyother organized involved mother.  You know that soccer mom that we all love to hate because they are two steps ahead of everyone else. 

While reading a few of the blogs I follow this evening I came across a blog I'm an Organized Junkie The authors name is Laura and I plan to stalk her blog... err... I mean read it often on my quest to be organized. 

My first organizational goal is realtivly small in compairson but it will make me feel like I've acomplished something... the kitchen island.  It is dumping grounds for anything and everything.  Before and after pictures will be posted by Saturday evening that is my deadline. 

Wish me luck!

Any ideas, comments, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

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